SC Fruit and Vegetable Field Report- March 6, 2023

Coastal Region

Rob Last reports, “Fruit crops are all developing well with good fruit set and flowering. Strawberry crops are beginning to ripen, heralding a fresh taste of spring. Pests and disease remain low, and I would urge vigilance and continued monitoring for spider mites. If you haven’t already, protectant fungicide applications will be beneficial to counter gray mold and anthracnose fruit rots. Early peaches are in full flower with some early fruit set. Later varieties are beginning to flower. Land preparations for spring plantings are progressing well, given the dry weather and occasional showers. The first asparagus crops in the area are now being harvested with excellent quality.”

Late peach varieties are beginning to bloom near the coast.

Late peach varieties are beginning to bloom near the coast.
Rob Last, ©2023, Clemson Extension

Asparagus harvest is beginning.

Asparagus harvest is beginning.
Rob Last, ©2023, Clemson Extension

Midlands Region

Phillip Carnley reports, “So far, the drier weather has been nice for berry growers here in the Midlands. Botrytis is starting to flare with the cool, moist mornings. Gnomonia symptoms are rapidly in decline, as is plant mortality from Neopestalotiopsis. Plant size was observed to have been adversely affected by early sanitation of infected leaves in Camarosa. Onions are coming in nicely and sizing up, but there has been some late decline/death from residual cold damage in December and January. Blueberries are setting fruit and, barring a late cold snap, should have a fairly good season. Peaches are still in full bloom, with some varieties in the early to mid stages of petal fall. “

Strawberry plants are a little small but are blooming and setting fruit well.

Strawberry plants are a little small but are blooming and setting fruit well.
Phillip Carnley, ©2023, Clemson Extension

Sarah Scott reports, “Peach trees are progressing nicely. Growers are “cautiously optimistic” about the season as we wait to see what the weather will bring in the coming weeks. As it looks, we will be ok with some lower temperatures to help naturally bloom thin if they occur. Trees range from blooming to leafing out. We are still finishing up pruning and bloom sprays but have some varieties that are into cover sprays already. Some growers are bloom thinning.”

Peach trees that were bloom thinned.

Peach trees that were bloom thinned.
Sarah Scott, ©2023, Clemson Extension

Peach trees that were bloom thinned.

Peach trees that were bloom thinned.
Sarah Scott, ©2023, Clemson Extension

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