Category: Food

How to Thaw Food Safely

Thawing food properly is crucial to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. This guide covers both unsafe thawing methods, like room temperature and hot water, and safe methods such as refrigerator, cold water, microwave, and cooking thawing techniques. Follow these USDA-approved methods to keep your food safe and avoid the “danger zone” where bacteria multiply rapidly.


In order to replace the dated food pyramid concept, the MyPlate was introduced in 2011. MyPlate was introduced alongside the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, and has further been updated with...

Energy Drinks “Can” be Healthful! If…

Energy drinks continue to gain popularity even though health issues abound. They are usually marketed to improve focus, energize your mind and body, and make you more alert. Major brands like Red...

Bag Lunch Safety

Whether it is students taking lunch to school or adults packing lunch for work, millions will take “bag” lunches with them each day and will want to make sure their food is safe to eat....

Product Testing

It is important to test your food product to make sure that it will be safe to eat once it is purchased by your customers.  Foods that do not meet certain specifications can encourage the growth of...

Physical Activity for Adults

Physical activity means moving your body to use energy. Regular physical activity and physical fitness make important contributions to your health, sense of well-being, and maintenance of a healthy...

Healthier Foods at School

Healthy Food Options at School Healthy eating is important for growth, good health, and academic performance. However, kids are often overwhelmed with access to and availability of foods that are...

Factsheet Number



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