What is this giant fruit at the SE Citrus Expo?

Our good friend, Blake Brown, is holding a pomelo (Citrus maxima), which is the largest cultivated type of citrus.
Zack Snipes, ©2024, Clemson Extension
At the 2024 Southeast Citrus Expo in Charleston last weekend, Madison Citrus Nursery brought hundreds of species of citrus for attendees to marvel over and taste if they wished. The pomelo attracted the most attention due to its sheer size compared to other citrus. One variety of pomelo is even called “9 pound” for obvious reasons. The rind of the pomelo is very thick, up to 2 inches in some cases. The flesh can vary in color and taste. I tasted several varieties at the event and was shocked at how good it was. I had never had one until a few weeks ago. The pomelo is one of the ancestors of our modern grapefruit. The good news for folks who don’t like the bitterness of grapefruit is that the pomelo is not bitter. Instead, the taste is quite mild and sweet and should be given a shot by those who don’t like grapefruit. I would say that the pomelo has more of a floral taste than other citrus species. The pomelo is somewhat cold-hardy and can be grown in some areas of South Carolina. I will add a few of these trees to my citrus plots at the CREC. I cannot wait to see a tree loaded with 9-pound fruit.