Author: Andrew "Drew" Jeffers

Pesticide Safety

Pesticides are chemicals used to kill, repel, or control organisms that are considered pests. “Pests” are defined as organisms that prey on, kill, and feed on desirable plants, animals, and humans....

Cover Crops

Cover crops, also known as green manures, are used by gardeners to add organic matter, protect the soil from erosion, suppress weeds, and add nutrients to the soil. Gardeners typically plant legume...

Making More: Propagation by Cuttings

Summer is the perfect time of the year to propagate perennials, shrubs, and trees by stem cuttings. The primary benefit of cuttings is that all offspring are clones, retaining the same genetic...

Azalea Lace Bugs

Azalea lace bugs can be a very destructive pest in home landscapes. Lace bugs feed with piercing-sucking mouthparts during both the nymph and adult life stages. The resulting damage appears as a...

Attracting Beneficial Insects

The month of May brings many beautiful flowers and other delights in the garden. However, it also brings potential insect pests. Many gardeners are becoming more and more aware of the potential...

Rain Gardening Ideas

Recently, an impressive amount of rain has fallen in South Carolina. With excess rainfall, also comes an increased potential for stormwater runoff. A landscape feature that can help mediate...

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