Category: In the Garden

Have Armyworms Decimated Your Lawn?

The fall armyworm is a native species that can’t tolerate cold very well. They only overwinter in South Florida and the southernmost regions of Texas. Since they can not tolerate cold, we typically...

Question of the Week – Timber Rattler

What kind of snake is this and is it poisonous? This is a timber rattler (Crotalus horridus), also known as a canebrake rattler. While snakes are not poisonous, this species is venomous. What is the...

Carolina Anoles

Do you have childhood memories of catching lizards in the backyard? Maybe you or your kids kept a few as temporary pets. Carolina anoles, also known as green anoles, are a common sight in a garden...

Question of the Week – Armyworms

What is causing this lawn to turn brown even though it has received over 5 inches of rain so far this month? This lawn is infested with fall armyworms (Spodotera frugiperda). In just a few days, the...

Wishbone Flower

Add more color to your shade garden and containers with the wishbone flower (Torenia). The unique flowers resemble a single snapdragon bloom and have stamens that meet in the center, resembling a...

Cranefly Orchid

When walking through my woods this time of year, I’m looking for cranefly orchids (Tipularia discolor) in bloom. It is a delicate perennial, terrestrial orchid that grows in deciduous woods....

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