September Week 3 Plants
Late summer is an exciting time in the landscape. Insects and animals are still active, some summer flowers are still blooming, and a taste of fall is in the air. Spider Lily (Lycoris radiata)...
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Sep 17, 2018 | Photo Blog, Photo Worthy Plants
Late summer is an exciting time in the landscape. Insects and animals are still active, some summer flowers are still blooming, and a taste of fall is in the air. Spider Lily (Lycoris radiata)...
Sep 12, 2018 | Photo Blog, Photo Worthy Plants
Late summer is an exciting time in the landscape. Insects and animals are still active, some summer flowers are still blooming, and a taste of fall is in the air. Hardy banana (Musa sp.) S. Cory...
Sep 10, 2018 | Photo Blog, Photo Worthy Insects and Animals
Late summer is an exciting time in the landscape. Insects and animals are still active, some summer flowers are still blooming, and a taste of fall is in the air. Bumblebee on Zinnia Barbara H....
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