Author: Joey Williamson


Foamflower (Tiarella cordifolia) is a shade-loving perennial native to the eastern United States and Canada. This small, evergreen, mounding or running groundcover has been underutilized in the home...

Mild Peppers & Unique Cherry Tomatoes

I’m Joey Williamson, and I’m a horticulturist with the Clemson Home & Garden Information Center. Today we’ll look at two fantastic, but mild pepper cultivars, and a unique cherry...

Woodland Ferns

I’m Joey Williamson, and I’m a horticulturist with the Clemson Home & Garden Information Center. Today we will be looking at some woodland ferns that are easy to grow. There are many...

Solomons Seal

I’m Joey Williamson, and I’m a horticulturist with the Clemson Home & Garden Information Center. Today we’re going to be looking at some species of Solomon’s Seal in the...

Palms & Cycads

Palms and cycads are truly beautiful plants that enhance any landscape with their tropical appearance. In South Carolina, they are fairly tolerant of many problems that are common in tropical areas...

Planting Trees Correctly

When to Plant Container-grown plants and balled and burlapped (B&B) plants with well-developed root systems can be planted throughout the year. However, most B&B plants are dug and planted...

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