Author: Shana Madden


Diabetes can be a debilitating chronic condition characterized by elevated blood glucose levels attributed to an inability to produce enough insulin or properly use insulin. Over 37.3 million...


Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a chronic condition that affects roughly 116 million Americans, or 47.3% of our country’s population. When our blood flows through our...

Can Cinnamon Cure Diabetes?

There are many uses for cinnamon. Cinnamon can help to add a sweet flavor to foods without adding sugar, but is cinnamon one of the next “superfoods” that could cure diabetes? Before you rush out to...


What is Obesity? Obesity is a weight that is higher than what is considered a healthy weight for a given height. Overweight and obesity can result from an energy imbalance or excess fat in the body....


A stroke is a “brain attack” in which blood flow to the brain is cut off either by a blockage a blood vessel rupture. Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in America. Stroke prevalence and...

E-cigarettes (Electronic Cigarettes)

Electronic cigarettes, also known as e-cigarettes, e-cigs, e-hookah, vape pens, vapes, tank systems, and electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), have recently gained popularity over...

Can Cinnamon Cure Diabetes?

There are many uses for cinnamon. Cinnamon can help to add a sweet flavor to foods without adding sugar, but is cinnamon one of the next “super foods” that could cure diabetes? Before you rush out...

Heart Disease

Heart disease is the third most common chronic disease in terms of prevalence. Heart disease affects both men and women and it causes about 610,000 deaths in the United States each year. Risk...


Sleeping is a basic human need that has become increasingly more important from a public health perspective. Sleep is related to physical health, mental health, emotional health, and daily...

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