Using & Storing Potatoes
South Carolina-grown potatoes are available in the spring and fall. Potatoes are Good for You Potatoes are: a vegetable. a good source of vitamins B and C. a source of minerals. high in complex...
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South Carolina-grown potatoes are available in the spring and fall. Potatoes are Good for You Potatoes are: a vegetable. a good source of vitamins B and C. a source of minerals. high in complex...
Look for South Carolina-grown asparagus in the spring. Asparagus is Good for You Asparagus is: high in vitamin c. a good source of vitamin a. a good source of potassium. How to Buy Asparagus Look...
South Carolina-grown strawberries are available late-April through May. Strawberries are Good for You Strawberries are: high in vitamin C. a good source of potassium. a source of fiber. How to Buy...
South Carolina-grown peaches are available May through August. Peaches are Good for You Peaches are: a source of vitamins A and C. a good source of fiber. low in calories—35 calories per 2½”...
Tomatoes are actually fruits, but most people eat them like vegetables. South Carolina-grown tomatoes are at their prime June through September. Tomatoes are Good for You Tomatoes are: a good source...
South Carolina-grown winter squash is available in the summer and fall. Winter Squash is Good for You Winter squash is: an excellent source of beta-carotene, which the body uses to make vitamin A. a...
Aug 19, 2005 | Food, Preservation
General Directions Prepare only one recipe at a time because double batches may not gel properly. Use half-pint jars to avoid a weak gel that may result with larger jars due to residual heat during...
Mar 15, 2005 | Food, Fruits & Vegetables, Preservation, Safe Handling, Vegetables
Purchasing & Preparing Peppers Sweet peppers should be fresh-looking, firm, thick-fleshed and a bright green or red color, depending on the stage of maturity. Avoid peppers that are soft and...
Feb 13, 2005 | Food, Fruits & Vegetables
Buying Melons When selecting melons of any variety, look for quality and freshness. The melon rind should have good color and should not be misshapen or bruised. The rind should give slightly at the...
Feb 8, 2005 | Food, Safe Handling
Buying Cucumbers for Fresh Eating Select only well-shaped, firm cucumbers that are a deep green color. Avoid any exceptionally large cucumbers or those appearing puffy, shriveled or withered. At...
Feb 8, 2005 | Food, Safe Handling
Getting Ready to Preserve Corn Select only tender, freshly-gathered corn in the milk stage. Husk and trim the ears, remove silks, and wash. Canning Corn Wash ears and blanch 3 minutes in boiling...
Sep 16, 2004 | Emergency, Food, Safe Handling
Be Prepared If you live in an area where loss of electricity from seasonal storms is a problem, you can plan ahead to be prepared for the worst. Keep your freezer as full as possible by freezing...
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