Category: Indoors


Booklice belong to a large group of small to medium sized insects called Psocoptera. Also known as psocids, booklice are related to plant insects called barklice. Though booklice may have a body...

Paper Wasps

If growing vegetables and flowers is your hobby, you may consider paper wasps as welcomed guests. Like many other social wasps, paper wasps feed on many insect pests of gardens. Unfortunately, paper...

Drugstore Beetles

Although its name is drugstore beetle, this insect is a general feeder that attacks everything edible and many things people would consider inedible. The drugstore beetle got this common name...

Indian Meal Moth

The Indian meal moth is a very important and destructive pest. The feeding habit of this species makes it one of the most common pests of stored food. Their larvae feed on grain and grain products,...

Cockroach (Roach) Control

Over 15 kinds of cockroaches are found in South Carolina, but only a few of these may be found in your home. Cockroaches are considered pests in several ways. Most people view them as carriers of...

Sowbugs & Pillbugs

Sowbugs and pillbugs are commonly found outdoors in South Carolina, especially under rocks and boards.  They are not insects but are more closely related to lobsters and shrimp. They breathe with...

Silverfish & Firebrats

Homeowners usually see silverfish and firebrats when a cabinet door is opened, or a book or other object under which they were hiding is moved. Silverfish and firebrats are pests because they feed...

Bed Bugs

Humans and bed bugs have a long association. Records of bed bug infestations date back at least to 400 B.C. Before World War II, bed bugs were very common in homes, hotels, and boardinghouses. It...


Description and Habits Springtails are tiny, jumping, soft-bodied insects that live in very moist conditions. They are usually between 0.04 and 0.08 inch, and white, yellowish with black markings or...

Humpedback Flies

Description and Habits Humpbacked flies are tiny, 1/64-1/4 inch, nonbiting flies. Usually, they are black, brown or yellowish and have a humpbacked appearance when viewed from their side.  They are...

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