Category: Lawns

Selecting a Lawn Grass

The lawn is an integral part of the landscape. It is the canvas on which the rest of the plantings are placed. Turfgrass that is properly placed and well maintained will enhance any landscape. On...

St. Augustinegrass

St. Augustinegrass (Stenotaphrum secundatum) grows best during the warm (80 to 95 °F) months of spring, summer and early fall. It grows vigorously during this time and becomes brown and dormant in...


Centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides) was introduced into the United States from seed found in the baggage of Frank Meyer, a USDA plant explorer who disappeared on his fourth trip to China in...


Bermudagrasses (Cynodon species), also called wiregrass, are planted throughout South Carolina. They are used primarily on golf courses, athletic fields, tennis courts, bowling greens and...

Lawn Renovation

Renovation is the improvement of a turfgrass stand without complete reestablishment. Reestablishment refers to complete destruction of the old stand, thorough site preparation and replanting....

Fertilización de Céspedes

Elementos Esenciales Todas las plantas requieren de ciertos elementos químicos para obtener un crecimiento y una apariencia óptima. Diecisiete de todos los elementos descubiertos hoy día, son...

Holes in the Lawn

When holes and excavations mysteriously appear in lawns, it is helpful to note the season, location, and size. These are helpful clues when trying to identify the culprit and prevent further damage....

Fire Ant Management In The Home Lawn

The impacts of fire ants are well understood by anyone who has been stung by them. Their impacts, however, go far beyond the medical implications of their venomous stings. Millions of dollars are...

Selecting a Lawn Care Service

Maintaining an attractive lawn can be an overwhelming task for some homeowners lacking turfgrass management training. Professional turfgrass managers often spend years becoming educated on turfgrass...


Carpetgrass (Axonopus affinis or A. compressus) is a creeping, warm-season grass native to the West Indies, which was introduced into the United States early in the 1800s. Carpetgrass is also called...

Chinch Bugs

The southern chinch bug, Blissus insularis, is a common turfgrass pest in the southeast. It is a major pest of St. Augustinegrass, however, it will feed on zoysiagrass, bermudagrass, and...

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