Category: Preservation


When growing chestnuts at home, it is important to distinguish between the “real” chestnut trees (Castanea species) and those trees producing horsechestnuts and buckeyes (Aesculus...

Preserving Tomatoes

Canning Tomatoes Quality: Select only disease-free, preferably vine-ripened, firm fruits for canning. Quantity: An average of 21 pounds of whole or halved tomatoes (22 pounds of crushed tomatoes),...

Preserving Tomato Sauces & Ketchup

Canning Tomatoes & Tomato Products Tomatoes and tomato products have traditionally been canned in a boiling water bath (212 °F). However, recent research shows that for some products, pressure...

Syrups for Preserving Fruits

Fruits may be canned or frozen in water, juice or a sweet syrup. Adding syrup to canned or frozen fruit helps to retain its flavor, color and shape. It does not prevent spoilage of these foods. The...

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