Mixed Screens
In the landscape, trees and shrubs are often used to create buffers and screens. On occasion, both may be used to frame a desirable view as well. Many plant species used are reliable performers,...
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Aug 13, 2017 | Featured, Landscape, Landscaping, Shrubs, Trees
In the landscape, trees and shrubs are often used to create buffers and screens. On occasion, both may be used to frame a desirable view as well. Many plant species used are reliable performers,...
Apr 26, 2017 | Landscape, Landscaping, Shrubs, Water
Rain gardens are small-scale stormwater best management practices that protect water quality while also adding beauty to the landscape and providing wildlife habitat. Callicarpa americana, from the...
Aunque muchas personas ven a las “azaleas” y “rhododendrons” como plantas completamente diferentes, en realidad ellas pertenecen al mismo género, Rhododendron. En término de las plagas que atacan a...
Discover the process of using hardwood cuttings to grow shrubs and trees in your landscape.
Aprenda las técnicas esenciales para la plantación exitosa de azaleas en su jardín.
Descubra cómo garantizar que sus azaleas florezcan y prosperen con un cuidado adecuado.
Descubra cómo cuidar y cultivar rododendros para disfrutar de su belleza única.
Aprenda a mantener árboles y arbustos saludables con un riego adecuado.
Descubra cómo trasplantar árboles y arbustos con éxito en su jardín.
Descubra cómo fertilizar árboles y arbustos adecuadamente para fomentar un crecimiento saludable en su jardín.
Mar 26, 2016 | Landscape, Landscaping, Shrubs, Trees, Water
Rain gardens are becoming an increasingly popular option for gardeners looking to create an aesthetically pleasing garden that manages runoff, improves water quality, and provides wildlife habitat....
Feb 26, 2016 | Landscape, Landscaping, Shrubs, Trees, Water
Winterberry (Ilex verticillata) is a native, woody shrub suited for use in rain gardens. Rain gardens are landscape features that help to protect downstream water quality by capturing stormwater...
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