Question of the Week – Minute Pirate Bug

What is the tiny critter on this pumpkin blossom?

Minute pirate bug (Orius insidiosus), also called the insidious flower bug

Minute pirate bug (Orius insidiosus), also called the insidious flower bug
Justin Ballew, ©2025, Clemson Extension

This tiny black and white insect is a minute pirate bug (Orius insidiosus), also called the insidious flower bug. Minute pirate bugs are beneficial insects and are excellent predators of small soft-bodied pests, such as thrips, mites, aphids, whiteflies, scale, and even small caterpillars. They are very common in South Carolina, though populations can quickly be wiped out by broad-spectrum insecticides. So, here’s another reminder: ONLY use broad-spectrum insecticides when absolutely necessary. Read more about minute pirate bugs here.

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