Tag: May

Native Pollinators

Around 40% of the flowering plants in North America require insect pollination for reproduction, though at the mention of the word “pollinator”, most people probably picture the European honey bee...

Butterflies in the Garden

Flying Flowers and Jewels of the Sky are just a couple of phrases that describe the beauty and fascination people have for butterflies. Though only one group of pollinators among many, they are...

Growing Annuals

Annuals quickly provide more color in the landscape for longer periods of time than any other garden plants. They are versatile, sturdy and inexpensive. Growth Rate True annuals sprout from seed,...

Lawn Renovation

Renovation is the improvement of a turfgrass stand without complete reestablishment. Reestablishment refers to complete destruction of the old stand, thorough site preparation and replanting....

Summer- and Fall-Flowering Bulbs

Summer- & fall-flowering bulbs add beauty and interest to the landscape. They have exciting forms, fragrances and colors that other flowers cannot achieve. Most summer-flowering bulbs like warm...

Hanging Baskets and Window Boxes

Hanging baskets or window boxes full of flowers or foliage plants give a color boost to your house and garden. They can be used effectively even in a very small space. If you choose plants...

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