What Is It? Wednesday – Cabbage Webworm

There are diamondback moth caterpillars on the right. The caterpillar on the left is a cabbage webworm.

There are diamondback moth caterpillars on the right. The caterpillar on the left is a cabbage webworm.
Justin Ballew, ©2022, Clemson Extension

There are diamondback moth caterpillars on the right. The caterpillar on the left is a cabbage webworm. Cabbage webworms feed near the growing points of brassica plants, often damaging the growing points and causing irregular growth. They frequently feed within webs that protect them from natural enemies and offer some protection from pesticide applications. When mature, cabbage webworms pupate in the soil and emerge as a non-descript brown and gray mottled moth. Read more about cabbage webworms here.

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