Author: Sue Watts

SCBG Plant Sale 2021

Pyrus calleryana ‘Bradford’ was once touted as the perfect, sterile garden or landscape tree. It has now bred prolifically with other pear species and spread so extensively that it is...

Spring Wildflowers

In springtime, the deciduous woodlands around us are beginning to awaken as the delicate flowers of spring ephemerals pierce the blanket of leaf litter. Most of these woodland plants are found in...

Nature Books for Children

We are so lucky in 2020 since there are many, many fantastic nature books for children. A google search “nature books for children” produces several large lists of excellent books. However, in this...

Citizen Science for Families

Sharing nature is one of the most satisfying, rewarding, and free activities you can engage in as a family. Nature is available anytime, anywhere, and even the smallest plot of land can become a...

SC Native Plant Certificate Program

The study of native plants, the ecosystems of South Carolina, and sustainable landscaping practices form the focus of the South Carolina Native Plant Certificate Program. A partnership between the...

Nature-Based Activities for Children

Summer at the South Carolina Botanical Garden (SCBG) that is a fun time filled with summer camps and children laughing and learning. Below are some of the simple, low cost ideas we used in our...

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