Chiggers are not insects. They are actually a larval, or immature, mite. Chiggers are commonly known as red bugs because of their bright color. They may be orange, yellow, or straw colored. They are...
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Nov 1, 1998 | Entomology, Medical, Problems
Chiggers are not insects. They are actually a larval, or immature, mite. Chiggers are commonly known as red bugs because of their bright color. They may be orange, yellow, or straw colored. They are...
Oct 6, 1998 | Entomology, Indoors, Problems
Many kinds of ants can become pests in and around a home or structure. One of the most common is the carpenter ant. Carpenter ants belong to the largest of all ant groups. Although carpenter ants...
Oct 6, 1998 | Entomology, Medical
Ticks are closely related to scorpions, spiders and mites. They are not insects. They are external parasites that need a blood meal to survive and reproduce. Ticks can feed on humans and other...
Oct 6, 1998 | Entomology, Medical
Three kinds of lice can infest humans – head lice, body lice and crab (or pubic) lice. The head louse is closely related to the body louse, but their behavior is quite different. Experts...
Oct 2, 1998 | Entomology, Indoors, Problems
Moth flies have many names including drain flies, filter flies and sewage flies. They get these many names from their appearance and habits. Their fuzzy wings make them look like little moths and...
Oct 2, 1998 | Entomology, Indoors, Problems
The chirping songs of the crickets are among the most pleasant sounds of summer and fall. There are many different kinds of crickets. Not all of them can produce sound, but when they do, it is the...
Sep 1, 1998 | Entomology, Landscape, Medical, Problems
Yellowjackets are beneficial around home gardens and commercially grown fruits and vegetables at certain times because they feed on caterpillars and harmful flies. When the populations peak in late...
Aug 2, 1998 | Entomology, Indoors, Problems
Many kinds of ants can become a nuisance in homes and other buildings. Most indoor ant problems originate from outdoor locations. Once they enter a building they may establish colonies in wall...
Mar 31, 1998 | Entomology, Flowers, Landscape
Bumble bees are large, attractive insects that are of interest to children, scientists, beekeepers, naturalists, conservationists, home gardeners, farmers and commercial bumble bee breeders. There...
Jan 6, 1998 | Entomology
The inventor of the microscope, van Leeuwenhoek, reported in 1694 that mites live in dust. Now, more than 300 years later, it is an established fact that dust mites can be found in house dust all...
Jan 1, 1980 | Entomology, Medical, Problems
Ticks are external parasites that attach themselves to an animal host to take a blood meal at each of their active life stages. Blood feeding by ticks may lead to the spread of disease. Several...
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