Category: Entomology

Spotted Lanternfly

Introduction The spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula, SLF) is an invasive insect that feeds on many plant species, including economically significant agricultural and horticultural crops,...

Mole Cricket Management in Turfgrass

Turfgrass management involves a basic knowledge of several different cultural practices, such as proper irrigation, fertilization, and mowing. However, an understanding of insect pests and disease...

Velvet Ants

Velvet ants are not ants at all; they are wasps in the family Mutillidae. Although more common in the southwestern U.S., they can be found throughout the Southeast. Forty-one species in six genera...

Eastern Eyed Click Beetle

The eastern eyed click beetle (Alaus oculatus) is found throughout South Carolina. Also known as the eyed elater, this is one of the larger click beetles in the region, with adults sometimes...

Zinnia Insect Pests & Diseases

Insect Pest Prevention & Control Zinnias are excellent sources of pollen and nectar for many beneficial insects; therefore, it is not recommended that insecticides, other than insecticidal soap,...

Honey Bee Pollen Timing Chart

Beginning Beekeeping Beekeeping is a fun and challenging enterprise. There is an increasing interest in beekeeping in South Carolina, in part due to the recent reports concerning honey bee losses in...

Big Yellow Spiders in South Carolina

When walking through the woods or even in the backyard, people may run across a huge black and yellow spider, which may be weaving a large golden web or sitting waiting patiently for prey to get...


Cicadas are large plant feeding insects known for their loud, shrill noise and discarded shells (called exoskeletons) that cling to trees and other vegetation. Cicadas belong to the suborder...

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