Category: Landscape

Baldfaced Hornets

Known for large nests and a defensive nature, baldfaced hornets are an impressive and often misunderstood members of the wasp family. Contrary to the name, the baldfaced hornet is not a hornet. It...

Assassin Bugs

When working in the yard or garden, you may notice a rather fearsome looking creature crawling among foliage of shrubs or trees. The insect has a large (1-1.5 in.), brownish-grey body with a large...

Asian Tiger Mosquito

The Asian tiger mosquito is the most common daytime biting mosquito in the Carolinas. This mosquito was accidentally brought into the United States from Asia in used tires. It quickly spread into...

Low-Maintenance Landscape Ideas

Although there is no such thing as a maintenance-free landscape, it is possible to have an attractive landscape that is easy to care for. Good planning, design, plant selection and timely...

Foundation Plantings

At one time foundation plantings were mainly used to hide the bases of older houses. It is no longer considered necessary or desirable to plant a line of shrubs all the way across the foundation....


Learn why Barberry shrubs are a favorite for their colorful foliage and ease of care.

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