Tag: Blogs

Barbara’s Favorite Garden Tools

We all have our favorite shoes, pajamas, coffee cups, and other items, but my favorites are the gardening tools I use daily in my landscape. I am never without a small pair of long-bladed, sharp...

The Monarch Highway

The Monarch Highway is busy this time of year. So, keep an eye out while you are driving or outdoors. First, you may only see one, but keep watching, and eventually, you will see them fluttering by...

Natural Enemies: Parasitic Wasp

I recently came across this caterpillar in the garden. The bright green body first attracted my attention, and then I saw the white additions to its body. This caterpillar is beautiful but doomed;...

Pansies, Violas, and Panolas—Oh My!

One of my favorite fall gardening joys (I call them joys instead of chores) is planting pansies and violas. This is a yearly rite of passage for me that I have been enjoying since childhood. One of...

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