Author: Robert F. Polomski

Selección de Árboles

Los árboles y arbustos deben ser elegidos por la calidad, la cual puede ser determinada con la inspección correcta. Los factores de calidad a considerar incluyen, el tamaño y estructura del...

La Poda de Árboles

Cada planta en el paisaje tiene su propio hábito de crecimiento y diferentes requerimientos de poda. Algunas plantas son podadas constantemente para mantener una forma y tamaño deseado. Otras son...

Planificando un Jardín

Las hortalizas pueden ser cultivadas abundantemente en muchas áreas de Carolina del Sur si se les da su buen cuidado. Muchas personas que cultivan vegetales ya sea por su excelente sabor fresco o...


Mulching is one of the most important ways to maintain healthy landscape plants. A mulch is any material applied to the soil surface for protection or improvement of the area covered. Mulching is...

Easter Lily

The white trumpet-shaped flowers of the Easter lily (Lilium longiflorum) have become the traditional time-honored symbol of beauty, hope, and life during the Easter season. Potted flowering Easter...

Selecting a Lawn Grass

The lawn is an integral part of the landscape. It is the canvas on which the rest of the plantings are placed. Turfgrass that is properly placed and well maintained will enhance any landscape. On...


Centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides) was introduced into the United States from seed found in the baggage of Frank Meyer, a USDA plant explorer who disappeared on his fourth trip to China in...


Bermudagrasses (Cynodon species), also called wiregrass, are planted throughout South Carolina. They are used primarily on golf courses, athletic fields, tennis courts, bowling greens and...

Forcing Bulbs Indoors

Making a plant flower at a predetermined time or under artificially imposed conditions is called forcing. Hardy bulbs are particularly suited for forcing indoors and offer a succession of color...


The poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) is the most popular flowering plant sold in the United States with more than 70 million sold nationwide each year. When South Carolinian Joel R. Poinsett (1779...

Rubber Plant

Rubber plants (Ficus elastica) are easy to grow and care for and do well in a variety of conditions. They are excellent plants for beginners. Height/Spread Rubber plants can easily grow 6 to 10 feet...

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