Author: Robert F. Polomski

Lawn Renovation

Renovation is the improvement of a turfgrass stand without complete reestablishment. Reestablishment refers to complete destruction of the old stand, thorough site preparation and replanting....

Fertilización de Céspedes

Elementos Esenciales Todas las plantas requieren de ciertos elementos químicos para obtener un crecimiento y una apariencia óptima. Diecisiete de todos los elementos descubiertos hoy día, son...


Garden mums (Chrysanthemum x morifolium) give us a burst of color in the fall when used to replace the annuals we have enjoyed since spring. Mums provide color until freezing weather arrives....


Common waxmyrtle or Southern bayberry (Morella cerifera; formerly Myrica cerifera) is native to South Carolina and other southeastern States. Its range is from New Jersey to Florida and westward to...


Spireas (Spiraea species) are among the easiest flowering shrubs to grow. These attractive shrubs are fast growing and should be grown in full sun for best flowering. They can, however, tolerate...

La Poda de Arbustos

La poda apropiada para los arbustos es una obra de arte que no va parecer que fue podada. Los cortes realizados en la poda deben permanecer dentro de la planta cubiertas por los remanentes de las...

Pruning Shrubs

A properly pruned shrub is a work of art and beauty and does not look as if it has been pruned. Pruning cuts should be hidden inside the plant where they will be covered by remaining leaves. The...

Muscadine Grape

Muscadine grapes (Muscadinia rotundifolia; formerly Vitis rotundifolia) are truly a fruit for the South. Native to the Southeastern United States, they were discovered by the early colonists and...

Crape Myrtle Pruning

Crape myrtles are often chosen as a landscape plant for their long, summer blooming period. Also making crape myrtle a popular landscape choice is the fact that the plant is as tough as it is...


The elm (Ulmus species) is probably best known by the American elm (Ulmus americana) because at one time it was used extensively along the streets of America. There are other species besides the...


Japanese aucuba (Aucuba japonica) is a handsome broadleaf evergreen shrub used extensively in South Carolina under the canopy of large trees or as a foundation plant in shady corners of the home. It...

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