Author: Jackie Jordan

Weed of the Month – Field Madder

Field madder (Sherardia arvensis)is a mat-forming, prostrate winter annual. It has four to six leaves that whorl around a square stem. It produces lavender to pale pink flowers. In addition, field...

Repotting Your Orchid

Most orchids are epiphytes and grow on the branches of trees in their native habitat. They are grown in pots in either sphagnum moss or bark to make care easier for commercial growers and consumers....

Weed of the Month – Wild Garlic

Wild garlic (Allium vineale) is a winter, perennial weed that looks like a clump of blue-green grass. Native to Europe and east Asia, this weed is commonly found throughout the Southeast. It was...

Weed of the Month – Prostrate Spurge

Prostrate spurge (Chameasyce maculatais) a low-growing, mat-forming, annual summer weed. It grows from a taproot that can grow to a depth of 18 inches and can spread as much as three feet across. It...

Weed of the Month- Rustweed

Rustweed (Polypremum procumbens) Rustweed or juniper leaf is a native plant that earns its name from orange coloring in the fall. It is a drought-tolerant summer annual or short-lived perennial...

Weed of the Month – Blue-eyed grass

Blue-eyed grass (Sisyrinchium angustifolium) is a beautiful native plant in the iris family. This perennial plant looks very similar to thicker bladed turfgrasses and can survive in the lawn without...

Weed of the Month – Dichondra

Dichondra (Dichondra repens) is a semi-evergreen, mat-forming perennial. It is a member of the morning glory family and is native to New Zealand. Dichondra grows well in moist soils, tolerates...

Weed of the Month Common Groundsel

Common groundsel (Senecio vulgaris ) is an annual winter weed in the aster family. Luckily, it rarely becomes a problem in the lawn since it does not survive mowing. It can, however, quickly become...

Watering Warm-Season Lawns During Winter

Most years, South Carolina receives several inches of rain during the fall and winter. This year, however, we have been on the dry side. We have also been having warmer than average days, and your...

Weed of the Month – Doveweed

Doveweed (Murdannia nudiflora) Doveweed is a summer annual broadleaf weed in the dayflower family. It has a low-growing, very grass-like habit and appearance. It produces stolons (creeping...

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