Effective and Safe Herbicide Applications
Ensure lawn herbicide applications are safe and effective by following the tips below. Correctly identify the weeds. Herbicides vary in their control of different weed species. Preemergent...
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Mar 8, 2021 | In the Garden
Ensure lawn herbicide applications are safe and effective by following the tips below. Correctly identify the weeds. Herbicides vary in their control of different weed species. Preemergent...
Feb 25, 2021 | In the Garden
Smilax spp. Smilax vines go by the common names greenbrier or catbrier due to the thorns covering their stems. There are 300 to 350 smilax species worldwide. Approximately twenty-four species are...
Feb 18, 2021 | In the Garden
The majority of the weeds in the landscape now are winter annuals and will die back in early summer due to warmer weather. These weed seeds germinate in fall and early winter. As weeds mature, they...
Jan 26, 2021 | In the Garden
That bright green, grassy weed in your lawn this month could be annual bluegrass. It is a cool-season, annual weed that grows in moist and compacted soils and even in shady locations. It is a...
Nov 21, 2019 | In the Garden
Common cats-ear (Hypochaeris radicata) is a perennial weed. Its name comes from the dense hairs that cover the leaves. It looks very similar to dandelions, but its leaves are not as deeply notched....
Oct 21, 2019 | In the Garden
Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) is commonly referred to as highway grass. It’s a tough, drought tolerant, perennial grass that survives in soils with low fertility. Due to its very coarse and open...
Sep 19, 2019 | In the Garden
It’s late summer and crabgrass weeds have invaded some lawns. Unfortunately, crabgrass is very difficult to control with most herbicides once it develops a few tillers or branches. There are several...
Aug 19, 2019 | In the Garden
Virginia copperleaf is a tall, branched summer annual that can grow three feet tall. It takes its name from the copper colored leaves of its late summer color. This weed is a North American native...
Jul 18, 2019 | In the Garden
Virginia creeper is a native North American, deciduous vine, which can easily climb 30 feet or higher. Its tendrils end in oval shaped disks that adhere to surfaces and can damage stucco, the mortar...
Jun 17, 2019 | In the Garden
Florida pusley is a low-branching, annual summer weed. Its pretty, white, star-shaped flowers produce an abundance of seeds, and a single plant can quickly turn into an infestation. This weed is...
May 16, 2019 | In the Garden
The bright green leaves of yellow nutsedge have started to actively grow in landscapes this month. Sedges are classified separately from broadleaf and grassy weeds. Sedges have triangular shaped...
Apr 18, 2019 | In the Garden
Red sorrel (Rumex acetosella) is a perennial weed that is easily identified by its red flowers and spade-shaped leaves. It is a member of the buckwheat family and native to Europe. The plant...
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