Author: Millie Davenport

Cover Crops for the Fall

Planning to leave the vegetable garden fallow this fall? If you take the time to plant a cover crop instead, you will reap the benefits later. In general, cover crops protect the soil from erosion,...

Cool-Season Vegetable Garden Pests

Monitor cool-season crops for pests, such as aphids and various caterpillar species (cabbage loopers, cross-striped cabbageworm, and diamondback moth caterpillars). Properly identifying these pests...

Fall Webworm Management

There are two web-spinning caterpillars in our region, the eastern tent caterpillar and the fall webworm. The placement of the webbing on the tree will help identify which caterpillar is present....

July Week 1 Garden Photos

Common vegetable insect pests, diseases, and disorders that affect South Carolina gardens. Tomato Fruitworm Damage Zachary Boone Snipes, ©2015 Clemson Extension Bacterial Leaf Spot on Tomato Zachary...

How to take a soil sample

Why test? A soil test provides fertilizer and lime recommendations, if needed. How do I take a sample? After all, the results are only as good as the sample. Collect 8-10 samples from the surface to a 6 inch depth (2-4 inches for lawns). A soil probe may be used, if available. Mix all samples in a plastic bucket. Fill bag with 2 cups of the mixed soil. A plastic sandwich bag may also be used....

Bulbs in the Landscape

Spring bulbs will soon fade, and the foliage of hardy summer bulbs will start to emerge. Even though it may be tempting, do not remove foliage from the faded spring bulbs that have past their prime....

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