Author: Zack Snipes


Blackberries (Rubus fruticosus) are native to the Southeastern United States and can be found growing wild in many areas throughout South Carolina. They are highly valued by wildlife and humans...

What Is It? Wednesday – Luffa

This odd brown thing is a luffa gourd. Contrary to popular belief, luffa is a plant in the cucurbit family and not a sea sponge. This plant is very vigorous and prolific and does extremely well in...

Understanding Organic Fertility

All crops, turfgrass, or ornamental plants need both macro and micronutrients at sufficient levels to maintain proper plant health and vitality. Fertility can be achieved in different ways and by...

What Is It? Wednesday – Stinkhorns

If you knelt down and gave this mushroom a sniff, I can promise you would not take a bite out of it. This mushroom belongs to a group known as stinkhorns. They get their name from the terrible (to...


Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) is a warm-season crop grown throughout South Carolina. It is a tall, upright plant with a hibiscus-like flower that originated in Africa. The immature, young seed pods...

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