3 Evergreen Vines for Screening
Do you have a chain link fence you’d like to hide? Cover it with evergreen vines. Evergreen vines are not only a great way to cover an eyesore, but they can also add vertical interest to your garden...
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Mar 8, 2023 | In the Garden
Do you have a chain link fence you’d like to hide? Cover it with evergreen vines. Evergreen vines are not only a great way to cover an eyesore, but they can also add vertical interest to your garden...
Mar 7, 2023 | In the Garden
Coastal Region Rob Last reports, “Fruit crops are all developing well with good fruit set and flowering. Strawberry crops are beginning to ripen, heralding a fresh taste of spring. Pests and disease...
Mar 6, 2023 | In the Garden
“How do I attract wildlife to my backyard? Or “I want to see more animals in my yard.” I often hear this question/statement from wildlife-loving homeowners. It is important to note that you do not...
Mar 3, 2023 | In the Garden
Most of my childhood recollections involve plants, dogs, and being constantly outdoors on the family farm and the Saluda River. This time of year, when my landscape is full of blooming daffodils, I...
Mar 2, 2023 | In the Garden
Coastal Region – Brad Fowler March normally brings with it a few warmer days, and it may be tempting to turn the irrigation on to make sure plants and turf are getting enough water, but try to...
Mar 1, 2023 | In the Garden
This is an infestation of white peach scale. White peach scale isn’t terribly common to find, and when you do see it, it is usually concentrated on just a few trees within a much larger block. We...
Feb 28, 2023 | In the Garden
Coastal Region Rob Last reports, “After a warm week in the Lowcountry, we received some welcome showers. The rainfall will aid in cultivating and bed formation for spring crops. Beds should be...
Feb 23, 2023 | In the Garden
While many think of vegetables when using the word garden, the basic definition of a garden, as a plot of soil in which plants are grown, is widely inclusive. Gardeners are passionate about native...
Feb 22, 2023 | In the Garden
This Napa cabbage is being fed on by larvae of both the yellow margined leaf beetle (YMLB, Microtheca ochroloma) and vegetable weevil (Listroderes difficilis). YMLB can be a significant pest for...
Feb 21, 2023 | In the Garden
Statewide Tom Bilbo reports, “If you’re growing strawberries in the warmest parts of the state and you haven’t been checking and/or spraying your fields for spider mites, you’re going to want to....
Feb 20, 2023 | In the Garden
While walking in the South Carolina Botanical Garden, I came across a substantial pile of Elaeagnus recently cut from our woods. My eye was caught by the silvery underside of the leaves flashing in...
Feb 16, 2023 | In the Garden
Rabbit’s foot fern (Davallia solida var. fejeensis) is a favorite of mine and one of the easiest tropical houseplant ferns to grow. Native to Fiji, the genus name, Davallia, was derived in honor of...
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