Category: In the Garden

Bradford & Callery pear

Every spring, all over in South Carolina, we see yards, abandoned lots, natural areas, roadsides, and, in some cases, forests filled with white flowers. These first white flowers of the year are...

What is it? Wednesday

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Sphyrapicus varius, Sapwells Tidy, uniform rows or columns (or both) of holes on a landscape or woodland tree likely indicates the presence of yellow-bellied sapsuckers in...

Apple Pruning

Now is the time to tame those apple trees with some dormant pruning. Apple trees have already set buds for the upcoming growing season and are in need of a little haircut for optimum fruit set and...

What is it? Wednesday

Milesia virginiensis (Diptera: Syrphidae) Milesia virginiensis does not have an ESA (Entomological Society of America) approved common name. Colloquially, this fly is known as a “yellowjacket...

Weed of the Month – Annual Bluegrass

That bright green, grassy weed in your lawn this month could be annual bluegrass. It is a cool-season, annual weed that grows in moist and compacted soils and even in shady locations. It is a...

Are Those Old Vegetable Seed Still Good?

Many gardeners have a collection of seed packets that contain seeds that didn’t make it into the garden in years past. Before purchasing more seed, check the stock of any seed still on hand from...

The Hyporheic Zone and Streams

You may not have heard of the hyporheic zone (HZ) or be able to see it, but it’s an integral part of our freshwater ecosystems and has a lot to do with keeping our streams healthy! The HZ is a...

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