What is it? Wednesday
Chinese Mantid Ootheca “Ootheca” is a Latinized term that comes from oo-, meaning “egg” and theca, meaning “cover”/”container”. An ootheca is an egg...
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Feb 17, 2021 | In the Garden
Chinese Mantid Ootheca “Ootheca” is a Latinized term that comes from oo-, meaning “egg” and theca, meaning “cover”/”container”. An ootheca is an egg...
Feb 16, 2021 | In the Garden
Coastal Region Zack Snipes reports, “I haven’t been out in the fields lately due to all of the rain. Hopefully, it will dry out some this week as we really need some bluebird sky days. If and...
Feb 15, 2021 | In the Garden
Muscadines are our native, southern grape. Unlike bunch grapes, muscadines have thick, tart skin. The meat of the fruit is very sweet and flavorful and good for fresh eating (nature’s sweet-tart),...
Feb 12, 2021 | Fruits & Vegetables, In the Garden, Vegetables
Start your gardening journey with strategic planning tips to optimize space, choose crops, and achieve a productive harvest.
Feb 11, 2021 | In the Garden
Midlands Region Justin Ballew reports, “Last week was pretty cool, and it looks like this week will be about the same. Things are a little slow in the fields, but folks are preparing land for...
Feb 10, 2021 | In the Garden
Biscogniauxia, (formerly Hypoxylon), Canker Biscogniauxia, a common genus of fungi found throughout the United States, causes canker, dieback, and death of stressed oaks (Quercus spp.), pecan (Carya...
Feb 9, 2021 | In the Garden, Indoor Plants
Florist cyclamens (Cyclamen persicum) are a wonderful gift to give on Valentine’s Day. The name cyclamen is derived from the Greek word ”Kuklos” (meaning circle) due to the plant’s circular growth...
Feb 8, 2021 | In the Garden
While romantics look to mid-February as a time to impress their favorite Valentine with chocolates and flowers, experienced gardeners know now is time to show their plants love through careful...
Feb 5, 2021 | In the Garden
Coastal Region Rob Last reports, “Strawberry crops are developing well; however, we are seeing gray mold phomopsis blight in some crops. Sanitation can really help prevent botrytis from...
Feb 4, 2021 | In the Garden
Every spring, all over in South Carolina, we see yards, abandoned lots, natural areas, roadsides, and, in some cases, forests filled with white flowers. These first white flowers of the year are...
Feb 3, 2021 | In the Garden
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Sphyrapicus varius, Sapwells Tidy, uniform rows or columns (or both) of holes on a landscape or woodland tree likely indicates the presence of yellow-bellied sapsuckers in...
Feb 1, 2021 | In the Garden
Spring is coming, and with it comes weeds, bugs, and diseases, oh my! Many home gardeners often get frustrated about what to do for various garden pests. Whether it is a weed, insect, or disease,...
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