What is it? Wednesday
Spottedwinged antlion, Dendroleon obsoletus (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae) The genus, Dendroleon, means “tree lion” and references larval habitat. Instead of digging pits in the dirt to...
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Jan 13, 2021 | In the Garden
Spottedwinged antlion, Dendroleon obsoletus (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae) The genus, Dendroleon, means “tree lion” and references larval habitat. Instead of digging pits in the dirt to...
Jan 12, 2021 | In the Garden
Cover crops, also known as green manures, are used by gardeners to add organic matter, protect the soil from erosion, suppress weeds, and add nutrients to the soil. Gardeners typically plant legume...
Jan 11, 2021 | In the Garden
The physical, chemical, and biological properties of soil work together to make it a complex, dynamic, and living substance. The role of organic matter in soil health is vital. Soil organic matter...
Jan 5, 2021 | In the Garden
Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a great holiday season and is off to a good start in 2021. We have several virtual grower meetings coming up over the next two months, so keep an eye on the...
Jan 4, 2021 | In the Garden
If you have a smartphone, then you are aware that the number of apps available is astounding, and indeed, no matter what you search, you’ll likely find that “There’s an app for that!” Thankfully,...
Dec 17, 2020 | In the Garden
As temperatures dip down to freezing and below freezing, plants that are not acclimated will die back to the ground or ultimately die. Most tropical plants do not like drafts and thermometer...
Dec 16, 2020 | In the Garden
Bean Leafroller (caterpillar), Urbanus proteus Urbanus proteus is a skipper in the family, Hesperiidae. Adult skippers typically have hooked antennae and quick, skipping flight. Caterpillars of...
Dec 15, 2020 | Holiday, In the Garden, Indoor Plants
This year, more than ever, holiday traditions are important. One of my favorite traditions is making a centerpiece for my dining room table. Usually, this is a project I share with my grandchildren...
Dec 14, 2020 | In the Garden
It never fails that come March and April, the desire for many of our lawns to begin to breaking dormancy is met with the horror that the only things that seem to be green are the weeds that we have...
Dec 11, 2020 | In the Garden
Using freshly cut foliage for holiday decorations has been a family tradition for generations. Instead of using artificial greenery, brighten the holiday season by walking around your garden and...
Dec 10, 2020 | In the Garden
Swiss Chard (Beta vulgaris) is a colorful and easy-to-grow leafy green. It is the same species as beet, but without the swollen root, and shares the same earthy flavor. The ruffled leaves have...
Dec 9, 2020 | In the Garden
Imported Cabbageworm, Pieris rapae Identification: Velvety, green to bluish-green caterpillar with a narrow yellow dorsal line and a broken yellow line or spots running down each side. Life cycle:...
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