Composting Tips
Autumn is not only time to rake leaves but also time to start a compost pile. Fallen leaves provide the ‘brown’ carbon-rich ingredients to the compost pile, while grass clippings from the last lawn...
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Oct 29, 2018 | In the Garden
Autumn is not only time to rake leaves but also time to start a compost pile. Fallen leaves provide the ‘brown’ carbon-rich ingredients to the compost pile, while grass clippings from the last lawn...
Oct 24, 2018 | In the Garden
Florida betony is a cool season perennial weed that is beginning to come out of dormancy now. Another common name for this weed is rattlesnake weed, because of the thick white tubers that form...
Oct 23, 2018 | In the Garden
Join Master Gardener Coordinator LayLa Burgess for her spring 2019 Master Gardener class. The class will meet each Monday, January 28 through May 20, 2019, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., at SC...
Oct 17, 2018 | In the Garden
News Release For Release Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2018 after 1:30 p.m. South Carolina Farmer Kevin Yon Named 2018 Swisher Sweets/Sunbelt Expo Southeastern Farmer of the Year (Moultrie, Ga.)—Kevin Yon, a highly successful purebred Angus beef cattle producer and a leader in beef cattle and Angus breed organizations, has been selected as the overall winner of the Swisher Sweets/Sunbelt Expo Southeastern...
Oct 15, 2018 | In the Garden
With the arrival of October, there comes the end of hopefully a productive growing season. Gardeners should focus on practicing good sanitary practices to reduce the incidence of pest problems next...
Oct 10, 2018 | In the Garden, Landscape
Every year people flock to the mountains or the local countryside to see the wondrous colors of fall. Personally, my favorites are the rarer, bright reds of maples and the golden yellows of...
Oct 8, 2018 | In the Garden
There are several tropical plant species that are susceptible to chill injury at temperatures at or below 50°F. So, make plans now to start moving them back indoors. It is best to move plants...
Oct 3, 2018 | In the Garden
In the last few years, the United States has experienced massive flooding events from storms and hurricanes including Harvey, Irma, and Maria, and in the Carolina’s, Matthew and Florence. We...
Oct 1, 2018 | In the Garden
One of my favorite groups of perennials is salvia, sometimes called garden sage. A favorite of bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, salvias shine in the garden throughout the warmer months, but...
Sep 24, 2018 | In the Garden
Do not let your garden soil go fallow through the winter. Plant a cover crop or a mix of cover crops for their multiple benefits to your soil. Cover crops are an important part of any rotational...
Sep 19, 2018 | In the Garden
If you’re a member of one of the 84 million households in the U.S. who’s actively engaged in gardening and landscaping activities, I encourage you to become a member of NICH (rhymes with pitch): the National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture. The term Consumer Horticulture may appear foreign to you, but it encompasses the wide range of “gardening” activities that occur indoors and out,...
Sep 17, 2018 | In the Garden
Follow these steps to prepare warm-season lawns for the winter: Do not apply nitrogen fertilizer at this time. Lime and/or potassium may be applied at this time if a soil test indicates that it is...
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