Healthy Lifestyle During the Holidays!
Start by considering what healthy eating means and what eating patterns are like for you during ‘non-holiday’ times. Referring to basics – use MyPlate to guide balancing and choosing from food...
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Nov 30, 2020 | Tasty Bites
Start by considering what healthy eating means and what eating patterns are like for you during ‘non-holiday’ times. Referring to basics – use MyPlate to guide balancing and choosing from food...
Oct 26, 2020 | Tasty Bites
Many of our tried and true recipes and dishes can be ‘modified’ to increase vegetables, fiber, and fruits by making simple adjustments to meals we already eat. Many of us love watching chefs on TV...
Sep 24, 2020 | Tasty Bites
What’s for dinner? Instead of getting take out or running to the grocery store, consider “using what you have on hand”. A beauty YouTuber called it ‘shop your stash’ as she described using what you...
Aug 31, 2020 | Fruits & Vegetables, In the Garden
When I was growing up in S.C., we kids played outdoors, most days. The weather didn’t matter; I was all about being outside – running, biking, swimming, climbing trees, and exploring. I’ve...
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