Author: Barbara H. Smith

Weeping Ficus

Weeping ficus or fig (Ficus benjamina) is popular as houseplants, in offices and interior landscaping. They have an elegant form and dense, glossy dark foliage. Slender branches arch gracefully from...

Forcing Bulbs Indoors

Making a plant flower at a predetermined time or under artificially imposed conditions is called forcing. Hardy bulbs are particularly suited for forcing indoors and offer a succession of color...


Philodendrons are among the most common and easy-to-grow houseplants. Many tolerate low light and neglect. If well treated, they will be beautiful and dependable for many years. Height/Spread The...

Indoor Palms

Palms give a wonderful tropical feeling to the indoor garden. They are bold houseplants that command attention. Height/Spread Palms suited to indoor cultivation are slow-growing while young or have...


Bougainvilleas (Bougainvillea species) are tropical and subtropical woody vines of the Four-O’Clock family (Nyctaginaceae). They are named for Admiral Louis A. de Bougainville, a French explorer...


Scheffleras are large and graceful tropical plants often used in interior decorating. They are superb long-lived houseplants. Height/Spread Scheffleras are usually 2 to 3 feet tall when sold, and...

Rubber Plant

Rubber plants (Ficus elastica) are easy to grow and care for and do well in a variety of conditions. They are excellent plants for beginners. Height/Spread Rubber plants can easily grow 6 to 10 feet...

Growing English Ivy Indoors

English ivy (Hedera helix) is a versatile houseplant that can be grown in many different situations. Ivies can be grown in hanging baskets, at the base of other houseplants and in pots of their own....

Indoor Cacti

Cacti are relatively easy to grow. Most will tolerate neglect but thrive when given good care. These plants are well-adapted to the dry conditions found in the home. Cacti vary tremendously in size,...


Garden mums (Chrysanthemum x morifolium) give us a burst of color in the fall when used to replace the annuals we have enjoyed since spring. Mums provide color until freezing weather arrives....

Jade Plant

Jade plants are tough, easy-to-grow succulents. They grow well in containers and like the warm, dry conditions found in most homes. Height/Spread Jade plants can live for a very long time and grow...


Dieffenbachias are easy houseplants that tolerate a wide range of conditions. They are popular in homes and offices for their colorful, large leaves. The common name Dumbcane results from the fact...

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