Author: Carmen Ketron

This Month in Your Garden- February 2025

As winter gives way to spring, February is a crucial month for garden care. From preventing cold damage in the Lowcountry of South Carolina to pruning trees in the Upstate, this guide offers region-specific tips to keep your garden healthy. Discover how to protect plants from frost, care for winter-damaged lawns, and prepare for a successful growing season ahead.

This Month in Your Garden- April 2024

Coastal Region- Christopher Burtt Begin to apply fertilizer where needed based on soil test results. If a soil test has not been done, be sure to have one done to better guide the fertilizer needs...

This Month in Your Garden – May 2023

Coastal Region – Christopher Burtt Though summer is not quite here, the heat is on its way. May is the month to start turf care. Care is based on the type of turf. With mower blades fully...

This Month in Your Garden- April 2023

Coastal Region- Christopher Burtt Spring is here, and that means lots of things can be done in the garden. Begin to apply fertilizer where needed based on soil test results. If a soil test has not...

This Month in Your Garden- March 2023

Coastal Region – Brad Fowler March normally brings with it a few warmer days, and it may be tempting to turn the irrigation on to make sure plants and turf are getting enough water, but try to...

This Month in Your Garden- February 2023

Coastal Region – Brad Fowler February can be an excellent time to sharpen and freshen up hand tools in preparation for spring and summer. Late winter is a great time to prune many plants but make...

This Month in Your Garden- January 2023

Coastal Region – Christopher Burtt Create a plan for the Spring in the garden, including a list of materials, such as seeds. Many seed varieties sell out quickly, so it is best to purchase them now,...

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