Author: George M. Dickert

Wild Ginger

Although wild gingers, Asarum and Hexastylis species, can be found the world over, most of the ones that are cultivated for their ornamental value are native to the shaded woodlands of Asia and...

Winter Damage

Woody ornamentals can be damaged by cold temperatures due to three main factors: lack of hardiness, early or late-season frosts or unprotected root systems. A lot of the damage that I have...

Fruit Garden Sanitation and Preparation

With the arrival of October, there comes the end of hopefully a productive growing season. Gardeners should focus on practicing good sanitary practices to reduce the incidence of pest problems next...

Plant a Cover Crop

Do not let your garden soil go fallow through the winter. Plant a cover crop or a mix of cover crops for their multiple benefits to your soil. Cover crops are an important part of any rotational...

Witch Hazel

Witch hazels (Hamamelis spp.) are large shrubs that have several desirable attributes, and offer year-round interest in the landscape. Three species have their origins in North America (H....


Downy serviceberry (Amelanchier arborea) is a deciduous, small tree or shrub in the rose family (Rosaceae) with a native habitat stretching from Maine to Iowa, south to northern Florida and...

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