Category: Fruits & Vegetables


Loquat, Eriobotrya japonica, also called Japanese medlar and Japanese plum, is an evergreen shrub in the family Rosaceae that is native to China and Japan. It is valued for its coarse dark green...

Camas de Siembra

Si usted quiere construir un huerto e su terreno, pero su terreno tiene muchas inclinaciones o un mal drenaje, usted puede solucionar ese problema al levantar camas de cultivo. Usted puede construir...

Carrot, Beet, Radish & Parsnip

Root Crops Carrots, beets, radishes, and parsnips can all be successfully grown throughout South Carolina, and these can all be planted for both spring and fall crops. Root crops all need a loose,...

Planificando un Jardín

Las hortalizas pueden ser cultivadas abundantemente en muchas áreas de Carolina del Sur si se les da su buen cuidado. Muchas personas que cultivan vegetales ya sea por su excelente sabor fresco o...

Heirloom Vegetables

Heirloom vegetables are defined in several ways. Some consider heirlooms to be any vegetable cultivars that have been grown for a certain length of time. Other people consider vegetables to be truly...


Pomegranates (Punica granatum) have been popular fruit throughout human history and are experiencing a surge in popularity at present due to the health benefits associated with their juice. Widely...

Muscadine Grape

Muscadine grapes (Muscadinia rotundifolia; formerly Vitis rotundifolia) are truly a fruit for the South. Native to the Southeastern United States, they were discovered by the early colonists and...

Pecan Diseases

Pecan trees (Carya illinoensis) are widely grown in South Carolina mainly for both their tasty edible nuts and shade. Pecan trees are susceptible to several diseases in our area due to the hot and...


When it comes to growing homegrown fruit, nothing could be easier than figs. Cultivated for thousands of years, figs have few demands on their caregivers. There are about 470 varieties of common...

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