Category: In the Garden

Popcorn Cassia

Last October, while driving along Main Street in uptown Greenwood, SC, I spotted a large plant with tall golden flower spikes. It was so fantastic that I made a U-turn to check it out. The plant was...

Bug Hotel

We recently created a “bug hotel” in the South Carolina Botanical Garden. This is a fun project you can do too! But why? The short answer is that insects and other arthropods are under intense...

Garden Sanitation

Diseases happen in the garden. Pathogens find a susceptible host plant in a favorable environment and invade. The unfortunate plant may just show reduced health or may end up completely dead. When...

Papier Mâché Powerhouses

Indications of fall are all around. Goldenrod is blooming, leaves are falling, pumpkin spice lattes are being served at your favorite coffee shop, and stinging insects seem to be everywhere. Just...

Factsheet Number



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