SC Fruit and Vegetable Field Report – March 27, 2023
Coastal Region Zack Snipes reports, “Things are really moving with the nice weather recently. We are in the period where we are harvesting and planting and getting fields ready. Growers are...
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Mar 28, 2023 | In the Garden, Small Fruits
Coastal Region Zack Snipes reports, “Things are really moving with the nice weather recently. We are in the period where we are harvesting and planting and getting fields ready. Growers are...
Mar 27, 2023 | In the Garden
Soil fertility is a confounding topic for new and experienced gardeners alike. Anyone asking an Extension agent what fertilizer to use has likely heard, “Get your soil tested to find out the right...
Mar 23, 2023 | In the Garden, Shrubs
One of my earliest horticultural memories was watching my grandmother arrange purple berried branches of American beautyberry (Callicarpa americana) in a vase and place it in the center of her...
Mar 22, 2023 | In the Garden
Carpenter bees made slits in these blueberry flowers. Carpenter bees commonly cut through blueberry flowers to access nectar from the side rather than the open bottom. This practice, known as...
Mar 21, 2023 | In the Garden
Midlands Region Sarah Scott reports, “Temperatures dropped below freezing along the Ridge two mornings last week. We’ve been checking peaches over the past few days to assess the damage. Right now,...
Mar 20, 2023 | In the Garden
If your garden is anything like mine at this time of year, it is peppered with these beautiful little treasures: common violets (Viola sororia). These blue, purple, and sometimes almost white, small...
Mar 16, 2023 | In the Garden
There are many spring wildflowers that grow in the mixed hardwood forests of South Carolina. Spring ephemerals are woodland herbaceous plants that emerge in early spring with flowers and foliage and...
Mar 15, 2023 | In the Garden
I found this little guy while walking through the woods, scoping out turkey hunting spots. This species spends most of the year high in the trees, so finding it down low is likely a sign that...
Mar 14, 2023 | In the Garden
Statewide Justin Ballew reports, “Well, we knew a “late” cold spell was likely to happen at some point. Growers will need to take some steps to prepare for the cold over the next few days. The...
Mar 13, 2023 | In the Garden
A couple of small patches of daffodils in my yard bring me joy each spring. A few years back, I purchased a few pots of declining plants at the local box store in late spring and plunked them in the...
Mar 10, 2023 | In the Garden
As the weather begins to warm up in February and March, our thoughts start toward pecan fertilizer applications. Correct fertilization is critical for pecan trees to achieve optimal nut yields. The...
Mar 9, 2023 | In the Garden, Uncategorized
Most orchids are epiphytes and grow on the branches of trees in their native habitat. They are grown in pots in either sphagnum moss or bark to make care easier for commercial growers and consumers....
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