Category: In the Garden

Grow Tomatoes Vertically

If you have tried growing tomatoes in cages that often fall over when the plant gets large, or you are tired of keeping up with staking and tying tomatoes, then this might be a tip for you. I have...

Accessing Locally Grown Food

Buying and eating local foods can be great for your health and a great way to support your community. Studies point to many benefits of adding fresh unprocessed food into our diets and, as a bonus,...


Blackberries are an excellent addition to a southeastern garden: they are easy to grow, produce abundant fruits that are delicious, highly nutritious and very healthy (blackberries are among the...

Weed of the Month – Florida Pusley

Florida pusley is a low-branching, annual summer weed. Its pretty, white, star-shaped flowers produce an abundance of seeds, and a single plant can quickly turn into an infestation. This weed is...

Irrigation for Lawns

The majority of South Carolina has experienced very dry and hot periods of weather as of late and as a result, irrigation systems throughout the state have been running more frequently. It is common...

Repeat Blooming Hydrangeas

Are you frustrated because your French or mophead (Hydrangea macrophylla) hydrangeas only bloom once? Then the Endless Summer® Hydrangea series is the answer to adding repeat blooming hydrangeas to...

Heuchera – Coral Bells

Coral bells are a wonderful addition to a partly shady landscape planting. They come in an array of foliar hues that will complement most any landscape color scheme. Coral bells (genus Heuchera) are...

Caladiums for Summer Color

Want to brighten up a shady spot in your summer annual containers? Caladiums are an excellent choice. Due to their insignificant flowers, caladiums are grown for their colorful foliage. The leaf...

Goodbye Moles & Voles!

What can we do about moles and voles in the home lawn and landscape? First, we need to know how to tell the difference between the two, in other words “know thy enemy!” For more information on how...

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