Cyanobacteria – is it toxic?
Summer, it’s that time of year for sweet corn, peaches, watermelon, and pond calls! Pond calls are phone calls, emails, texts, etc. with questions that Extension Agents get on any topic related to...
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Oct 5, 2020 | In the Garden
Summer, it’s that time of year for sweet corn, peaches, watermelon, and pond calls! Pond calls are phone calls, emails, texts, etc. with questions that Extension Agents get on any topic related to...
Oct 1, 2020 | In the Garden
Would you like an easy-to-grow perennial that flowers from July to August and is a magnet for many pollinating wasps, skippers, bees, and moths? Then consider mountain mint for your garden. Mountain...
Sep 30, 2020 | In the Garden
Puss Caterpillar Identification Later instar caterpillars densely covered in yellowish, reddish, brown, or mouse gray setae (hairs). Middorsal crest has rusty to smoky setae. “Tail”...
Sep 29, 2020 | In the Garden
Thars gold in them thar hills (and in the flatlands too)! The rustling of dried corn stalks, stacks of pumpkins at the roadside stand, Halloween costumes at your local general store… all are signs...
Sep 28, 2020 | In the Garden
With all those mums and pumpkins at garden centers and farmers markets, how can we select the best and make them last? For an immediate impact, many people choose chrysanthemums (“mums”) in full...
Sep 23, 2020 | In the Garden
Fall Webworm Tent Tent Structure Fall webworm caterpillars incorporate leaves, and sometimes entire branches in silken tents spun, typically, at branch tips. (In contrast, eastern tent caterpillar,...
Sep 21, 2020 | In the Garden, Water
The weather events and weather patterns of recent years, like the “1000 year storm” in 2015 associated with Hurricane Joaquin, have left residents grappling with water management in their yards. On...
Sep 16, 2020 | In the Garden
Tobacco Hornworm and Braconid Wasps Fast Fact Cotesia congregata are important biological control agents of about a dozen moth species in two families (Sphingidae and Noctuidae). Life Cycle An adult...
Sep 14, 2020 | In the Garden
Planning to leave the vegetable garden fallow this fall? If you take the time to plant a cover crop instead, you will reap the benefits later. In general, cover crops protect the soil from erosion,...
Sep 10, 2020 | In the Garden
If you are anything like me, this is the time of year when you never want to eat another squash or zucchini again. I feel like Bubba from Forrest Gump when describing the many ways I have eaten...
Sep 9, 2020 | In the Garden
“There’s orange water coming up through the ground!” said the homeowner who called me last week, wondering what kind of contaminant had made its way into her yard. If you’ve ever come across this...
Sep 7, 2020 | In the Garden
Our family now has a new favorite garden perennial plant. Ever since our ‘Jacob Cline’ Monarda (Monarda didyma ‘Jacob Cline’) came into bloom, it has been the most gorgeous flower we have tried in...
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