Native Pollinators
Around 40% of the flowering plants in North America require insect pollination for reproduction, though at the mention of the word “pollinator”, most people probably picture the European honey bee...
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Jan 19, 2018 | Landscape, Landscaping
Around 40% of the flowering plants in North America require insect pollination for reproduction, though at the mention of the word “pollinator”, most people probably picture the European honey bee...
Aug 13, 2017 | Featured, Landscape, Landscaping, Shrubs, Trees
In the landscape, trees and shrubs are often used to create buffers and screens. On occasion, both may be used to frame a desirable view as well. Many plant species used are reliable performers,...
Aug 12, 2017 | Landscape, Landscaping, Vegetables
Wood has been a mainstay in landscapes for years. It is often used to outline a border, to trim various types of beds that contain flowers or shrubs, in the construction of compost bins, and for...
Apr 26, 2017 | Landscape, Landscaping, Water
Many people think of soil as they are washing red stains out of jeans, digging in the garden, or seeing the long rows carved into the earth and sprouting a favorite summer vegetable. In all of this...
Apr 26, 2017 | Landscape, Landscaping, Shrubs, Water
Rain gardens are small-scale stormwater best management practices that protect water quality while also adding beauty to the landscape and providing wildlife habitat. Callicarpa americana, from the...
Apr 20, 2017 | Landscape, Landscaping
Flying Flowers and Jewels of the Sky are just a couple of phrases that describe the beauty and fascination people have for butterflies. Though only one group of pollinators among many, they are...
Jan 26, 2017 | Flowers, Landscape, Landscaping, Water
A rain garden is a shallow (6 – 12 inch deep) vegetated depression designed to capture stormwater runoff and allow the water to soak into the soil. These gardens can function as natural filters...
Nov 20, 2016 | Landscape, Landscaping
Hace un tiempo atrás las plantaciones en los cimientos fueron creadas para esconder las bases de las casas viejas. Hoy día no se es necesario o deseado sembrar una línea de arbustos a través de los...
Oct 16, 2016 | Landscape, Landscaping
El valor del pH del suelo es la medida de la acidez o alcalinidad del suelo. El pH del suelo afecta directamente la disponibilidad de nutrientes en el suelo. La escala del pH tiene un rango que va...
Oct 7, 2016 | Landscape, Landscaping
Las plantas marcadas con un * son las más tolerantes a lugares húmedos o periódicamente inundados. Cuando seleccione las plantas usando esta lista, recuerda que un número de factores determina la...
Aug 16, 2016 | Landscape, Landscaping
Existen muchos nutrientes que son esenciales para el crecimiento de la planta. Para determinar las cantidades de nutrientes en el suelo se utiliza una prueba de suelos. Los resultados de la prueba...
Jul 7, 2016 | Landscaping, Water
Water is a precious natural resource that should be conserved in all endeavors concerning landscape management. In urban areas as much as 60% of all water usage goes to maintaining landscapes. Much...
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