Gray Mold (Botrytis Blight)
Botrytis blight or “gray mold” is a widely distributed disease caused by the fungus Botrytis cinerea. It can infect some vegetables, soft fruits, flowers, trees, and shrubs, especially...
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Learn how overseeding with ryegrass keeps your lawn vibrant and healthy year-round.
Learn about Tall Fescue, a durable grass choice for lush, green lawns.
Aug 22, 2024 | Lawns
Learn how to care for Tall Fescue grass with a seasonal guide for optimal results.
Aug 15, 2024 | Lawns
Learn how to maintain Centipedegrass with seasonal care tips and guidelines.
Summary Effective landscape weed control involves using different ways to suppress weeds, such as weed-free mulch and preventing weeds from going to seed near landscape beds. Preemergent and...
Learn about organic fertility, its role in nutrient cycling, and how to incorporate it into your gardening practices.
Crayfish or crawfish chimneys can make the landscape look unsightly in areas where water saturates the ground. In addition, chimneys cause problems for the homeowner when trying to mow the lawn....
Mar 31, 2023 | Landscape, Landscaping, Lawns
Learn how to minimize environmental risks while effectively using fertilizers in your garden.
Summary Wild garlic (Allium vineale) is the most common onion-like winter perennial weed with underground bulbs. It goes dormant in the summer and regrows from the underground bulbs in fall and...
Tall fescue, Festuca arundinacea, is a popular turfgrass grown in the mountains and upper piedmont areas of South Carolina. Weeds should be controlled through an integrated approach to keep the lawn...
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