Category: Lawns


Discover how to spot and control armyworms to protect your lawn and crops.

Crawfish Chimneys

Crayfish or crawfish chimneys can make the landscape look unsightly in areas where water saturates the ground. In addition, chimneys cause problems for the homeowner when trying to mow the lawn....

Wild Garlic & Wild Onion

Summary Wild garlic (Allium vineale) is the most common onion-like winter perennial weed with underground bulbs. It goes dormant in the summer and regrows from the underground bulbs in fall and...

Managing Weeds in Fescue Lawns

Tall fescue, Festuca arundinacea, is a popular turfgrass grown in the mountains and upper piedmont areas of South Carolina. Weeds should be controlled through an integrated approach to keep the lawn...

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