Category: Problems

Leaf & Needle Drop

A well-cared-for plant in the landscape that suddenly begins dropping leaves or needles can be a very troubling sight. There is usually no need to be alarmed, since leaf and needle drop often occurs...

Controlling Thatch in Lawns

What is Thatch? Thatch is a dense, spongy collection of living and dead grass stems and roots lying between the soil surface and green grass leaves in established lawns. As a grass plant grows, the...

Bermudagrass Mite

The bermudagrass mite (Eriophyes cynodoniensis), also called bermudagrass stunt mite, is a very small, elongate, creamy white or translucent-colored mite that requires a magnification of 15x to 20x...

Galls & Outgrowths

Galls are abnormal swellings or localized outgrowths (tumors) of plant tissue. They are extremely variable in size, shape and their location on the plant. Some are little more than a blister on the...

Algae Problems in Water Gardens

Algae problems in water gardens are generally caused by the action of the sun and excess nutrients in pond water. If ponds are established properly and are properly balanced with the correct ratios...

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