Category: Shrubs


Boxwood has long been a cornerstone of southern gardens, especially on historic estates in the Lowcountry of South Carolina. They are ideal for formal gardens with their dense growth habit that allows them to be pruned into hedges, rounded shrubs, and topiaries. Today, more than 90 species and 260 cultivars of boxwood are available. Littleleaf, Japanese, American (including English), Korean, and...

Winter Hazel

One of my favorite late winter blooming shrubs is Winter Hazel (Corylopsis spicata). It is a deciduous shrub that flowers in my Upstate garden in late February to early March. The fragrant flowers...

Fertilizing Trees & Shrubs

Trees and shrubs are living investments that grow in value each year. The foundation of their longevity starts with selecting and siting adapted plants and proper planting. After the plants become...

Virginia Sweetspire

This colorful deciduous shrub, Virginia sweetspire or Virginia-willow (Itea virginica), combines beauty with functionality and durability. Fragrant, white flowers adorn this shrub in late spring,...


Nandina, also known as heavenly or sacred bamboo (Nandina domestica), is an attractive heat- and drought-tolerant, evergreen shrub native to East Asia and India. While not a bamboo, nandina...

Plantando Arbustos Correctamente

Cuando Plantar En Carolina del Sur, el otoño es la mejor temporada para plantar arbustos para un crecimiento óptimo de las raíces y un establecimiento exitoso de las plantas. Desde el otoño hasta el...

Favorite Native Shrubs And Trees

One of my earliest horticultural memories was watching my grandmother arrange purple berried branches of American beautyberry (Callicarpa americana) in a vase and place it in the center of her...

Florida Anise

Florida anise (Illicium floridanum) is a native, evergreen shrub commonly found along shady stream beds and moist wooded ravines in Louisiana and Florida. In recent years, this notable species has...

Rose Diseases

Roses are one of the most popular and versatile flowering shrubs grown throughout South Carolina. Most roses require a lot of care to grow and bloom properly. One of the most common causes of...

Algal Leaf Spot

Of the various kinds of organisms that cause plant disease, plant parasitic algae are not the norm. The only species that is common in the United States is Cephaleuros virescens. It causes a disease...

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