Common or European privet (Ligustrum vulgare) and Chinese privet (L. sinense) have escaped into the wild in South Carolina to become weedy and invasive pests. Birds eat the small, black fruit and...
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Landscape plants are often subject to damage caused by environmental stresses, including lightning, wind, snow or ice. It is important to know how and when to offer aid to a damaged plant to save...
Feb 26, 2024 | In the Garden, Shrubs
One of my favorite late winter blooming shrubs is Winter Hazel (Corylopsis spicata). It is a deciduous shrub that flowers in my Upstate garden in late February to early March. The fragrant flowers...
Discover how to properly fertilize trees and shrubs for healthier plants and improved growth in your outdoor spaces.
Learn how Virginia Sweetspire adds beauty and adaptability to gardens with challenging conditions.
Aprenda a seleccionar ubicaciones ideales para sembrar árboles y arbustos de manera efectiva.
Descubra cómo plantar arbustos de manera efectiva para lograr paisajes vibrantes.
Mar 23, 2023 | In the Garden, Shrubs
One of my earliest horticultural memories was watching my grandmother arrange purple berried branches of American beautyberry (Callicarpa americana) in a vase and place it in the center of her...
Discover the unique charm of Florida Anise, an ideal addition to woodland gardens and shaded spaces.
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