Know Diabetes By Heart (KDBH)

Do you or someone you know have diabetes? High blood pressure? Did you know that diabetes is closely related to heart health? The leading cause of death for people living with type 2 diabetes is cardiovascular disease. In addition to managing your diabetes, it’s important to manage your risks for heart disease as well. From high blood pressure to high blood sugar levels, type 2 diabetes has a major impact on heart health. In fact, the probability of experiencing a complication from heart disease is 2 to 4 times higher in a person with diabetes.

This year, Clemson Cooperative Extension is offering Know Diabetes By Heart (KDBH), which is an education program sponsored by the American Diabetes Association and American Heart Association. Know Diabetes By Heart provides participants with information, support, and skills to help understand the link between diabetes and heart disease.

Clemson Cooperative Extension Service Know Diabetes By Heart. RHN Team Picture Bank

Clemson Cooperative Extension Service – Know Diabetes By Heart.
RHN Team Picture Bank

Why Should You Learn About The Link Between Diabetes And Cardiovascular Disease?

When you learn about the association between diabetes and heart health, you learn how to manage your health and reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke.

Know Diabetes By Heart is a free, online education session to help better understand the link and the risks. We’re offering multiple session dates; sign up at Know Diabetes By Heart Event.

What If I Don’t Have Diabetes Or High Blood Pressure?

You can still join Know Diabetes By Heart! 34.2 million Americans are living with diabetes, and 103 million Americans are living with high blood pressure. This means you likely know someone who has diabetes, high blood pressure, or both! Share the information you learn with them and invite them to join you.

For more information, see HGIC 4364, Diabetes; HGIC 4369, Heart Disease; Choose Diabetes-Friendly Foods at Restaurants; Hypertension Management Program (HMP); and HGIC 4367, Hypertension.


  1. American Heart Association. Know Diabetes By Heart. Retrieved February 8, 2021 from
  2. American Heart Association News. More than 100 Million Americans have high blood pressure, AHA says. Retrieved February 9, 2021 from,adults%20in%20the%20United%20States.
  3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Diabetes Statistics Report, 2020. Retrieved February 9, 2021 from,Asians%20and%20non%2DHispanic%20whites.

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