Tag: Blogs

Cardinal Flower

Want to attract butterflies and hummingbirds to your shady garden, and you have too many rabbit or deer visitors? Planting cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis) is your answer. A Southeastern native...

Controlling Aquatic Weeds in Your Pond

“Help! My pond is covered with scum!” As summertime temperatures creep up, so do the number of calls Extension offices receive from residents concerned with nuisance weeds or algae in their pond....

Beneficial Yellow Garden Spiders

The yellow garden spider (Argiope aurantia) is also known as a writing spider. Legend has it that if you disturb or damage the web, then the spider will write your name when it reweaves the web. One...

What’s in a Sports Drink?

There are many kinds of commercial sports drinks on the market. Gatorade® is probably the most popular. But you can also make your own at home. This will save you lots of money if you work outdoors...

Peach Salsa

Peach season is here in South Carolina, adding to the abundance of fresh produce on kitchen counters. A quick and different appetizer is this tasty peach salsa. This sweet alternative to your usual...

Copperheads In South Carolina

Copperhead snakes (Agkistrodon contortrix) are found throughout South Carolina and are one of the six venomous snake species, out of 38 total snake species, that our state has. The copperhead gets...

Nature Books for Children

We are so lucky in 2020 since there are many, many fantastic nature books for children. A google search “nature books for children” produces several large lists of excellent books. However, in this...

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