Winter weather and rising food prices can make folks eager to get started in their gardens. Some gardeners even want to rush to “correct” last year’s mistakes. Great coaches in sports often talk about “doing the little things right, so the big problems take care of themselves” Now is the time to reflect on some things before you start turning soil or planting. We have provided a checklist for starting the gardening season off.
- Get a soil test if you haven’t done one! Yes, Clemson is known for saying this on a loop, but there is a reason. Many issues arise with plants, and gardeners often guess what nutrients plants need.
- Make a list of what you want to grow. This sounds simple, but the time to decide is not when you go to the garden center. Instead, start now by looking through seed catalogs and determining what specific varieties and cultivars you want to grow.
- Think about what problems you had last year and reflect. Even if you are unsure what specific issue(s) you had, you can research factsheets on HGIC to determine how to properly care for and manage the plants. Also, keep a journal of what is going on in your garden this year. Often, we see plant problems at only certain times of the year, and this simple practice can help you get a step ahead in the game. A side note – many professional growers use their phones and make recorded notes that can be listened to later.
- Get your tools and equipment serviced and prepped. If you haven’t cleaned and sharpened your pruners, shovels, and other tools well, now would be an excellent time to get that done. Many frustrated gardeners have been excited to till up the soil and get planting, only to find out that the tiller does not start and needs a part that four stores currently do not have in stock.
- Follow the HGIC blogs and factsheets. These can get you ahead of the game and keep you doing what you intended, enjoying your garden!