Uninvited Holiday Guests
The winter holidays are here, and you may have some unexpected and unwelcome guests. Firewood brought into homes is a classic route for some beetle and ant species to enter a structure. Cinara...
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Dec 3, 2020 | In the Garden
The winter holidays are here, and you may have some unexpected and unwelcome guests. Firewood brought into homes is a classic route for some beetle and ant species to enter a structure. Cinara...
Dec 2, 2020 | In the Garden
Pine Vole Feeding Damage There are 23 species of vole in North America. Two vole species are found in South Carolina: pine vole, Microtus pinetorum, and meadow vole, Microtus pennsylvanicus. General...
Dec 1, 2020 | In the Garden
Magnolias have long been a symbol of the South. Making a stunning magnolia leaf wreath for the holidays is both fun and easy. The leathery leaves hold up well without water. Choose magnolia leaves...
Nov 30, 2020 | In the Garden
Coastal Region Zack Snipes reports, “After a long Thanksgiving nap, I was able to waddle out in the fields and look at some strawberries. We have had some really good strawberry growing weather...
Nov 26, 2020 | In the Garden
Coastal Region Rob Last reports, “Strawberry crops continue to develop well with minimal pest and disease pressure so far. Fall vegetables are progressing towards the market. We continue to see pest...
Nov 25, 2020 | In the Garden
Green Lacewing Green lacewings are in the order Neuroptera and the family Chrysopidae. Neuroptera is Greek for ‘veined’ + ‘wing’, referring to the many veins in the lacewings’ wings....
Nov 24, 2020 | Health, Holiday, In the Garden
The holiday season brings joy and yes—many big meals, desserts, busy schedules, and stressful planning. As we move into this season, it is easy to fall off our exercise routine. During the holidays,...
Nov 18, 2020 | In the Garden
Hypercompe scribonia (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) Hypercompe scribonia (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) is found throughout the Eastern United States. Larvae feed on a variety of broadleaf plants, including, but...
Nov 16, 2020 | In the Garden
While enjoying a slice of delicious locally-made pecan pie, I felt motivated to share with you some tips on growing and enjoying pecans. Whether you say “pee-can” or “peh-cahn,” they are one of the...
Nov 12, 2020 | In the Garden
Winter is commonly thought of as a time of rest for many plants. Deciduous plants lose their leaves, and blades of certain turfgrass lawns experience die-back as the turfgrass goes dormant. Whether...
Nov 11, 2020 | In the Garden
Acanthocephala femorata (Hemiptera: Coreidae) Acanthocephala femorata (Hemiptera: Coreidae) is a relatively large, dark brown bug. The antennae are dull and uniformly reddish or orangish colored....
Nov 9, 2020 | In the Garden
Springtime color in the residential landscape is never lacking with the multitude of flowers of many species of annuals, perennials, and shrubs. However, autumn colors may be a bit more lacking in...
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